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Filipino Students Visited Saga University

Posted on July 09, 2010

On May 14th, 23 Filipino students visited Saga University on JENESYS Programme, Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme. This Programme aims to deepen mutual understanding of each country of Asia and establish good relationships among Asian countries through inviting young people from Asian countries to Japan.

The Programme participants stayed in Saga for one week and during their stay, they visited Saga University to make a courtesy call on Doctor Nakajima, who is one of the Board of Director of the University and enjoyed a tour of Honjo Campus. After that, they had opportunities to communicate with Sadai students, having lunch together and having a discussion on environmental problems. They also attended environmental lectures by Professor Miyajima at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and by Associate Professor Ikegami at the Institute of Ocean Energy. Both Filipino students and Sadai students had a meaningful time and enjoyed getting to know each other.

JENESYS ProgrammeJENESYS Programme