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International Association Holds Welcome Party for New Students

Posted on September 25, 2012

The International Association of Saga University held a welcome party for new international students on May 11, 2012 at University Hall. About 120 guests, including international relations groups in Saga, participated in the event.

Mr. Akira Nakajima, Director of Center for Promotion of International Exchange, gave a congratulatory address in which he offered encouragement to the students. Ms. Deng Ying from China, on behalf of all new international students, said she will find herself in the future at this Saga University, and hope to do her best in Japan to answer everyone’s expectation.

At the party, they got to know each other better in a relaxed environment by performing Vietnamese martial arts, guitar, and the dance of Scotland.

International students at Saga University now number around 300 and include students from China, Korea, Bangladesh, and other countries. This year the University welcomed 80 new international students.

Mr.Purevdorj Baasan, President of the Saga University International Association, said “I hope of unity between international students and Japanese students, so that it helps the revitalizing Saga University, moreover, Saga area.”

2012 Welcome Party 2012 Welcome Party 2012 Welcome Party 2012 Welcome Party