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International Students Join Summer Dance Festival

Posted on October 4, 2012

“Sakae no Kuni Matsuri,” Saga’s annual summer festival in Saga city, was held on August 5th. The 120-member Saga University team, which included teachers, staffs and international students, participated in the dance finale, the most important performance of the festival.

“Odori-ren”, made up of female staffs, began an exercise early under the direction of General Affairs Division section chief Kaori Takahashi, who is accredited master of The Fujima School, and attended the performance on that day.

This year, besides “Odori-ren”, 42 international students including Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia in 8 countries participated, with markedly international character all of the groups of the participants.

Especially, female international students wore blue yukata in school color, showed an elegant dance. In front of an audience, they did enough of their practice, answering the encouragement from the road. The night, they enjoyed the Japanese traditional event fully.

At the commendation ceremony, the Saga University won the Special Recognition Award, and received prize following last year. The result also demonstrates just how deeply rooted the University is in the local community.

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