





2015年9月考上淮北师范大学硕士,并加入淮北师范大学党委书记陈士夫教授课题组从事金属硫化物制备及其光催化性能的研究,期间在陈士夫教授和课题组老师们的耐心指导下先后在国际top期刊J.Catal Appl. Catal. B.Environ发表文章。2019年9月作为博士研究生加入中国科学院化学研究所韩布兴院士团队,从事纳米材料改性及其电催化CO2转化的研究,其间发表文章20余篇,一作文章两篇Angew. Chem. Int.Ed;Green. Chem正在送审文章两篇 Chem;ACS. Catal和待发表文章两篇。


  1. Y,Wu, S, Chen;Et al.Photocatalytic synthesis of Schiff base compounds in the coupled system of aromatic alcohols and nitrobenzene using CdXZn1-XS photocatalysts;J. Catal. 2018, 358, 151-160.
  2. Y,Wu, B, Han;Et al.Effect of the coordination environment of Cu in Cu2O on the electroreduction of CO2 to ethylene; Green. Chem. 2020,22, 6340-6344.
  3. Y,Wu, B,Han Et al;Boosting CO2 Electroreduction over a Cadmium Single - Atom Catalyst by Tuning of the Axia Coordination Structure; Angew. Chem. Int.Ed. 2021, 60, 20803-20810.
  4. Y,Wu, B, Han;Et al;Enhancing CO2 electroreduction to CH4 by using the pyrrolic N as “hydrogen pump”;Chem. (Under Review)
  5. Y,Wu, B,Han; Et al.Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to produce methane efficiently via porous copper catalyst;ACS.Catal.Under Review

参与发表Angew,Jacs,chem sci, Appl catal B, Green Chem等期刊20余篇。

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